Tuesday, June 9, 2009

What now ?

Okay so I have decided to  start a blog because that's what millions are doing. Not that I'm a conformist but I think that I need to get with the times. I don't know what a widget is but I know what an avatar is so I think that I'm 50% on my way to getting technologically savvy.
I suppose the next step after deciding to blog is deciding what to blog about. Well I think that I'll just blog about random stuff about my growing family and me growing in Christ. If a trend is created then I'll follow that trend. Let's just see where this blog leads to. How does that sound ? Now let me introduce you to my sons. This is Jed and he is a chatty, social, specific, kind 2 year old. God made him GREAT ! His name means "loved by God" and he surely is.

This toothless grin belongs to Joshua. He is 3 and a half months old and is a smiley, good-natured, content baby that God doubly blessed us with. His name means "Jehovah saves".