Sunday, May 9, 2010

Garage Sales

I have just recently discovered the joy of garage sales. In the past week I have spent $20.00 and have added the following items to our "play and learn" collection:

  • Leap pad with 3 books - great for playing with in the vehicle
  • 2 arts and crafts book by Judy Press - gives lots of great ideas with simple instructions and pictures to follow
  • Winnie the Pooh set of books 
  • Caterpillar with fine-motor activities - buttoning, doing up a zipper, belt loop, snaps and velcro
  • Progressive puzzle set from Discovery toys - 6 puzzles which range from 4 pieces to 12 pieces
That's the bet $20.00 that I've spent for a long time.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

New countertops

So eventually after saving up for a long time as well as long deliberations we eventually had new countertops installed in our kitchen and bathrooms. The old ones were "salmon" in colour (read "pink") and so we really needed to update them. So here is the finished look:

Friday, May 7, 2010

Fireman Fred !!

Jed is at the age where he likes to dress up and play "make believe". His favorite roles to play include being a pirate and a fireman. Here are some pictures of him dressed up as a fireman. He even went to the playground this afternoon dressed with his winter boots, gloves, fireman coat and helmet so that he could slide down the "fireman's pole". He is quite good at doing it independently but this afternoon there were other kids there and he was so busy watching them that he almost stepped off the landing - thank goodness he caught himself in time as he was 8 ft. high. I don't think that his fireman helmet would've helped.