Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sick in bed

For the last three days, I been watching the world from my bed. I've been sidelined with a horrible flu and have not been able to do more than grunt and groan and drink ginger ale. My body aches, my head hurts and I'm coughing like a hyena. But despite being ill, I'm aware of God's grace and all the blessings that he bestows on us. Maybe these few days in bed have been what I needed to reflect and be reminded again of God's love.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Days are long, years are short

 Well it's been a while since I posted. Well a "while" is not quite accurate but I'll leave it at that. I've been settling into my resolutions for this year and increasing my blogging posts was one of the things that I want to do. So here's a post for today. Just some pictures of Jed and Josh. I'm really trying to enjoy my days with them and treasure their childhood. Some days are more successful than others. Today was a good day, however, despite water messed all over the kitchen floor, toilet paper reams spread throughout the bathroom and refusal to wear winter boots. It was fun nevertheless and I am reminded that sometimes the days are long but the years are short. Jed will be turning 4 tomorrow and I can't believe that he is so old already. Only 14 more short years before he is out the house, I pray that God will help me consider and treasure the moments we have together.