Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A little tabasco sauce !

Recently our family has been having some trouble. A little individual in our family has just developed some 3 year old "attitude". He will often answer instructions by saying "okaaaay" with a rather cheeky tone of voice. He also will tell adults "Don't look at me !!!" for no reason at all apart from being 3 years old. We have explained that it is not kind to talk "ugly" to people and we have said that it makes people's hearts sad when they hear children talking ugly. We have also implemented time-outs but with no avail. Then today I thought that maybe a little tabasco sauce might help a 3 year old remember not to talk ugly to people. So after he shouted at me for an arbitrary shortcoming, I said that I had something that would help him not to talk ugly. He was all keen to try the tabasco sauce but after tasting it he immediatly rinsed his mouth. The attitude has diminished greatly already but this next week will see if Tabasco will help cure our little issue.

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