Friday, October 30, 2009

Double whammy !

So Joshua has been sick all this week and has really been quite miserable. But last night he started screaming and screaming. This is so unlike him as he very seldom cries. Nothing that I did could console him and so I took him into the ER last night. Luckily Dr. Handre (our family doctor) was on call and he was able to see Joshua almost straight away. After taking a good case history and doing an examination on Josh, the diagnosis was; roseola (baby measles) and an ear infection. He was given a dose of Ibuprofen and was sent home with advice to double dose him with Ibuprofen and Tylenol alternatively. So that's what I've been doing and although Josh is still a little cranky, he is not crying or screaming anymore.
So here are the drugs that have been used.

Here's the little boy whose been needing them. His rash on his face is quite visible.

While I was doing the ER visit last night, Darryl and Jed went to get their H1N1 immunizations. They arrived there at 16h30 and only came back at 20h30. It was a 4 hour adventure for Jed. He loved every minute of waiting in line and talking with all the people. We are realising now more and more how socially driven he is. While waiting he made friends with some people and entertained them with stories and singing N'kosi Sikele. He was unaware of the reason for the wait, but when it was his turn he was very concerned about lifting up his sleeve. He kept saying, "No my sleeve must be down". He really is a specific kind of kid. After he received the shots he cried a bit. When he saw that his dad was going to get the shots too, he was very concerned and said "Don't do it. Don't do it." He was really looking out for him. They had to wait 15 minutes after the shots in case that they had any allergic reaction. At that time, Darryl phoned me just to let me know what was happening. At that time Jed said "Mom, you must come and visit us". Most kids would have wanted to have been out of there. Not him. He was quite content to stay and visit some more. Well, he'll be getting his chance as Josh and I have to go next week sometime and so Jed is in for another "Swine Line" adventure !!!

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