Friday, October 16, 2009

Live in the moment

So after that initial post I took a blogging sabbatical. Yes, that fist post wore me out but now I think that I've overcome the initial "cold feet" and I'm up to blogging again. I've been inspired by a few blogs that I read daily and I've thought that I should at least try and and keep a "journal" of my life as a mom, a wife, a runner and woman finding her way. So just recently I was reading this blog and it spoke to me about slowing down and finding rhythm in life. Most times I hurry through the day checking things off my "To do" list and getting very frantic and tired. Seeking for something that I don't know. So after realizing this I've decided to live a little more in the moment and to enjoy each day that God has blessed me with. So perhaps, this blog is a way that I can journal what I am grateful for and what wonderful moments the Creator provides through my husband, my sons and through our daily experiences together.
So here's some pictures of two little guys who really know how to live in the moment.

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