Wednesday, November 25, 2009

How rich are you ?

I came across this quote from Thoreau the other day and it has made me think: "I make myself rich by making my wants few."
How rich are you ?

Monday, November 23, 2009

Mom, we have a problem.

On Saturday night, Jed exclaimed from the bathroom: "Mom, we have a problem." Here's a short video to share what the problem was and how it was solved.

Mom, we have a problem !! from Heather Hansen on Vimeo.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Where are you ?

Quite a few times during the day, Jed asks "Where is Dadda?" He knows exactly where his dad is but just asks to confirm that he really is at work. So often I tell him that dad is in Brazil or China or any other country. Today we were playing together but after a while he leaves the room. It's quiet and I'm wondering what he is up to so I ask "Where are you?". He brightly answers "I'm in Venezuela". He was actually in the bathroom but I loved the irony that he was using the same strategy that I use. I also love the fact that a 2 year old can say Venezuela !!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Who is he rescuing ?

Jed is always talking. He talks all day and at night too when he is sleeping. Last night he was fast asleep and was having a long conversation. I caught a bit of it and he was saying "I'll rescue them." I wonder who he is rescuing and also wonder whether "rescue" is normally in the vocabulary of a 2 year old. He sometimes calls Emma a "rescue dog". So maybe they were working together last night.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Where are you sailing to ?

Today at Mom's group, Jed got into a boat and was playing in it. Holly asked, "Where are you sailing to ?". Jed replied, "I'm going to Ninevah". No doubt, "Jonah" is his favourite bible character.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Noah's ark party

On Wednesday we had our Noah's ark party. It was originally scheduled for Halloween but due to the sickness in our house we postponed it. The theme of the party "Noah's ark" and the kids all came dressed as animals. We had a lion, 2 tigers, 2 monkeys, a cow and a bird. We read the story of Noah's ark and then sang a "Noah's ark" song. Here is a picture of us singing.

We then had supper, some games and a fabulous cake that Lisa made - a Noah's ark. After that the kids made some "treat bags" and each adult took turns hiding and the kids had to find them to get a treat. It was hilarious. Not sure who had the most fun, the kids or the adults.
Here are a few more photos of some of the kids...

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Treadmill vs. Baby monitor

Today I planned to do a 6 mile run, the longest run that I've done for a while. So I thought that the best time to do it would be when Joshua was sleeping. So as soon as he went down for his morning nap, I stationed Jed in front of the computer do work on his phonics using this fantastic website and then headed to the basement to run on the treadmill. The baby monitor was stationed in the corner so that I could watch it to see when Josh woke up. The competition then started. Would I finish my run before the green lights on the baby monitor would start flashing. Fifteen minutes went by, then thirty and then forty. I was sweating and Joshua was still snoring. Things looked good. If only he could sleep for another 15 minutes and then I could finish my first l-o-n-g run. Yeah !!! The lights on the baby monitor did not start flashing and I finished my run in 54 minutes. Thanks dear sweet Joshua for having such a wonderful morning nap!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Thirteen ways

It's Friday he thirteenth ! So here is an article posted by Jessie on her blog called "Graze with me" where she talks about 13 ways to avoid toxic groceries. Jessie blogs about food and food choices that she makes and she inspired me to read "Skinny Bitch".  I'm off to go grocery shopping and so this is useful information. Read the article here.

    Thursday, November 12, 2009

    Skinny B-I-T-C-H

    Just read the book Skinny Bitch and have had a wake-up call regarding what I eat as well as what I feed my family. This book is hard-hitting and does not mince any words about healthy eating. It's the first non-fiction book that I've ever read that has swearing in it. But I suppose harsh language is necessary to make one realise what junk food does to your body. The book's premise is to take a look at ingredients in the products that you eat rather than just the nutritional facts. So that's what our household will be doing for a while as well as omitting some items from our diets too.

    Thursday, November 5, 2009

    How old are you ?

    Jed is 2 years old but he likes to think that he is older. Yesterday we were visiting with some friends and I asked one of the teenagers how old he was? He replied that he was "thirteen". When Jed was asked how old he was he said "I am two-teen." That sure does sound older than two, doesn't it ?

    Wednesday, November 4, 2009

    I want to be a painter !

    Here's Jed exploring a new vocation. He wants to be a painter. Here he is practicing painting on his easel. He is wearing coveralls (his snow pants) and is standing on a ladder (a footstool). Watch to the end ...

    I want to be a painter from Heather Hansen on Vimeo.

    Tuesday, November 3, 2009

    A peace retreat

    When emotions get strong and stormy winds of frustration blow, there's a place to go. A "Peace Retreat". A candle to light, a book to read and a quilt to find comfort from. Here's Jed taking "shelter" in the peace retreat.

    Monday, November 2, 2009

    The rougher the better

    Jed and Joshua love to play together. Joshua is only 8 months old and is quite tough. Jed takes advantage of this and loves to play rough with his brother.

    The rougher the better from Heather Hansen on Vimeo.