Saturday, November 14, 2009

Treadmill vs. Baby monitor

Today I planned to do a 6 mile run, the longest run that I've done for a while. So I thought that the best time to do it would be when Joshua was sleeping. So as soon as he went down for his morning nap, I stationed Jed in front of the computer do work on his phonics using this fantastic website and then headed to the basement to run on the treadmill. The baby monitor was stationed in the corner so that I could watch it to see when Josh woke up. The competition then started. Would I finish my run before the green lights on the baby monitor would start flashing. Fifteen minutes went by, then thirty and then forty. I was sweating and Joshua was still snoring. Things looked good. If only he could sleep for another 15 minutes and then I could finish my first l-o-n-g run. Yeah !!! The lights on the baby monitor did not start flashing and I finished my run in 54 minutes. Thanks dear sweet Joshua for having such a wonderful morning nap!

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