Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Books, books, books !!

After yesterdays post I realized that books form a big part of Darryl's and my life. We are always reading something. Even when we are utterly exhausted at night we still pick up a book and read a page. So I wondered whether our love for reading will influence Jed and Joshua too. I know that Jed loves reading and this love started when he was very small. Jed will choose a book over a toy most of the time. He loves new words and learning the names for things and I think that this was borne when we sat on winter afternoons reading book after book. At times, 3 hours would go by before we realized it. Joshua is also enjoying books and will sit and "read" certain books over and over again. When you say the word "book", he will smile and look at the stash of books. So, yes, I do think that our boys will also have a love of reading when they grow older.
Here are a few pictures that I found of the boys with books.

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