Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A New Year - 2014

Lots of excitement in our house last night and this morning. We were all very excited for the New Year and had a lovely dinner of the boy's favourite meal: Meatballs and Spaghetti. Wineglasses were filled with Mango Juice and we toasted to the New Year. Jed likes to make sure that we all clink our glasses simultaneously and to say "Cheers !" in unison. After that we all had a turn to speak about something we learned in 2013 and something that we want to learn in 2014. Joshua made us all laugh by saying: " In 2014, I'd like to learn to use my mom's credit card !"

In the morning, we made Oatmeal pancakes as a treat. Jed was in charge of measuring the "Buttermilk". I usually just add milk and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice as a substitute.  The recipe called for 2 cups of buttermilk. Jed subsequently made the buttermilk by using 1 cup of milk and 1 cup of lemon juice. He only told me about this when we sat down to our breakfast and the pancakes had a distinctive lemon flavour !!!

In the afternoon, we drove to Edmonton as Darryl's new truck had to go in to have some accessories added. We stayed in the Travelodge in West Edmonton and the boys had so much fun going down the l-o-n-g slide at the waterpark !!

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