Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Last night we had a massive windstorm. The winds were gusting up to 120km/h. When we woke up, we surveyed the damage that was caused. A tree in our front yard was blown over, but nothing else was apparently damaged. Other people were not as lucky, shingles were blown off roves, BBQs were blown away and hot tubs were wrecked.
Jed and Joshua surveying the damage

Darryl removing parts of the fallen tree
For most of the morning the power was out. The boys were so happy because they thought they could get out of doing school activities. They thought that because we cannot see in the basement without power then we don't have to work at all. They were amazed when we suggested that they just bring their books upstairs and use natural light to see. So we did some schoolwork after all.
Working upstairs

Josh working upstairs

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