Friday, January 3, 2014

Snowy Owl & Peregrine falcon sighting !!

Still in Edmonton, for our 3 day mini adventure. Today is the day to visit the zoo. After a quick breakfast at Mc Donalds we head out to the zoo. The day is cold and it is forecast to get colder. We are not quite sure how this visit to the zoo will turn out. Still not sure, when we arrive and there are only a few cars in the parking lot. Despite our reservations of this visit, we were delighted with how things turned out. Jed was especially delighted because he finally got to see a Snowy Owl and Joshua saw his favourite bird, a Peregrine Falcon.

We spent lots of time visitng the Birds of Prey but also were able to see some reptiles - a favourite was the Poison Arrow Frog. Some nocturnal animals: a sloth, armadillo, kinkajou, prehensile tail porcupine and a bat. We saw Lucy the elephant going for a walk.

We also visited the polar extremes exhibition. There we were entertained by some seals who would come up the viewing window and "growl" at us. Then they would look at us with one eye right up beside the glass. They really were quite cute !! The boys were certain that they thought that the candy sticks that they were eating were fish !!

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