Friday, January 10, 2014

Cross-Country skiing

After doing schoolwork in the morning, we headed out to Churchill Island to do some cross-country skiing. We had a lot of fun and it seems as though both Jed and Josh remembered how to ski from last winter. We were on the look-out for a Pileated Woodpecker but only got to see and hear Chickadees.
Skiing on the trails

Jed and Josh wanted their "fall" photographed


After skiing, the boys wanted to have a snowball fight.

Jed ready to throw an ice-ball at his brother
 During the snowball fight, Jed accidentally pushed Joshua into the snow. Joshua did not have his gloves on and his hands were full of snow. He was very upset an said that his hands were hurting. So I asked Jed to immerse his hands in the snow to see how cold it felt. In this way, he may realize that he should be more careful not to push others into the snow. Jed agreed to trying this and he was able to keep his hands completely under the snow for 60 seconds. When he took them out, he said that it really wasn't that cold. So then both Josh and I tried it. Neither of us could keep our hands in the snow for more than 10 seconds. Jed is really tough !!

The Island to closed to off-leash dogs !!
Unfortunately, the island is closed to off-leash dogs. So we had to leave Google at home !

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